
Social Movements

Social movements play a key part in any society. They are a type of way where a group takes action. Social movements are largely informal groups of individuals who focus on particular issues regarding political or social issue. social movements have been and continued to be closely connected with democratic political systems. There are all types of social movements that have and continue to strive for change. Here is a quick look at a chart that classifies some types of movements:

  1. Reformative movements refer to  movements advocating changing some norms or laws. Examples of such a movement would include a trade union with a goal of increasing workers rights, a green movement advocating a set of ecological laws, or a movement supporting introduction of a capital punishment or the right to abortion. Some reform movements may aim for a change in custom and moral norms, such as condemnation of pornography or proliferation of some religion.
  2. Revolutionary movements refer to socialist tendencies that advocate the need for the overthrow of capitalism through revolution, by mass movements of the working class, as a strategy to achieve a socialist society.
  3. Alternative social movements refer to a social movement that seeks limited societal change. They target a small group of people and a specific behavior, and attempt to change the behavior of individual people in relation to that issue. Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) is an example of an alternative social movement because it targets one behavior– drunk driving. Through its efforts, MADD has caused tougher drunk driving laws to be enacted, and thus changed peoples’ behavior.
  4. Redemptive social movements refer to a phenomenon where a society creates a movement to repent for what it perceives as earlier mistakes.